Sunday, March 22, 2009

Enjoying the Weather

The past few days I have been able to have my windows open and the fresh air is wonderful. Yesterday I spent the whole day outside with the dogs raking up poo(not my most favorite thing to do, but necessary). I think I even got some color on my face. When I came in to take a shower my face was a bit red, but that faded.

On Wednesday I started some seeds in a seed started/greenhouse thing I got at Fleet Farm when I was buying Cody's kennel. I checked my seeds this morning and they are sprouting! Yay, it's so exciting, especially since I have never done that before.

So, I have propped up the lid like the directions said and now, I just need to wait for leaves. I really must say that when I found out that my seeds had sprouted it felt really satisfying!

Update on Cody:

He has really blended in so well with the family. He's a very good boy and I am glad to have him.

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