Two weekends ago we went up North. It was little girls first road trip. She did really well. She watched movies all the way. We did stop on the way for lunch so she could walk around and go to the little girls room, and that helped break up the three hour car ride. The reason we took the trip was to celebrate my brother's 18th birthday. It was great weather, and we all had a really good time and little girl didn't want to leave.
This past weekend Jerry and I took a trip to Kansas City with 19 friends. We camped out in tents and went to the Kansas City baseball games vs our home team. It's too bad it rained the whole time we were gone with the exception of 12 hours on Friday. It's a good thing we have a great tent that doesn't leak. Our team won both games that we went to, and one of our friends even caught a foul ball. We also did a tour of Boulevard Brewery and had lunch at Arthur Bryant's. Little girl stayed with my mom and had a good time, my mom agreed although I got a text message from my mom one day that read, "You didn't tell me that your daughter has a hollow leg." That was my mom's way of telling me she eats alot. It's true she does. You would think that she eats. I haven't figured it out yet if she is really hungry, or if it has to do with not having much food in her previous homes?
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