Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentines Party

Today is the Valentines Party at LG's school. I am excited for her. She's got all her valentines written out. Last night we made some chocolate suckers for her best friends. That was a lot of fun. I think she had a good time. The other day we bought her a valentines t-shirt and socks, and she's all set with her matching hair do-dads. I can't wait to hear about it when I pick her up from school. Her teacher sent home a request to write a special note to our kid and address it to the teacher and send it back to the school. I hope LG likes what we wrote to her.

I am excited about tonight because Jerry is finally going to be home after work. The past couple of nights he's been gone with Vendor Dinners and things for work. I miss him.

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