Saturday, February 14, 2009

Baby Izryl is here!

I am so excited. My sister-in-law gave birth last night to a healthy little boy. I didn't take the call, so I'm a little bumbed because the hubs didn't get any specifics like weight, measurements, or even ask if he looks like her other 2 kids. He did get her phone number at the hospital, but I don't feel right calling until at least 9 am. I can't wait to see the little miracle. I don't know if I explained her situation or not, and I am too lazy to dig through old posts, so if you've hear this before just ignore what I'm about to write.
My sister-in-law never planned to have children, she didn't want any, but "accidently" got pregnant when she was 18. Personally, I don't know how you can decided when your a teenager that you don't want kids, but that's my opinion. At that age you really don't know what you want. Anyway, she wanted to get her tubes tied at that point, but MN law says you got to wait until you are 21, so she didn't. Well, Six years after having her first, she "accidently" got pregnant again and this time had her tubes tied. Unfortunatly for her, she's the 1 in 10,000 that it didn't work for, and she got pregnant with this little miracle 9 months ago.
It's just goes to show that God has a bigger plan for us that even we can't change. It helps me when I try and understand why I am not able to have children of my own. I am ment for a different purpose. I am ment to be a forever mom to children who needs me.


Tricia said...

I can't wait to see a pic of him (if you post) Just wait soon you and I will be mommies too! Happy valentines day cyber friend xoxo

Natalie said...

What a great story! I completely agree with you when you say that God has a bigger plan for us that even we can't change and this story is a great example of that. There are so many little miracles in life that just can't be denied that there is a higher power involved. Congratulations! Hope you had a great Valentines Day.