Yesterday, I got up the motivation to move everything out of our origional master bedroom. I then took up all the old carpet and patched the walls with insulation, vapor barrier, and sheet rock from where we had to take it out to fix the outside faucets. I then mudded and taped it. When Jerry got home after work last night we went to Home Depot and got the panelling needed to put on the lower half of the walls under the shelves.
This morning I put up all that panelling myself. I then sanded down the wall where I mudded and taped. I also bought some new screen to repair the sliding door and the window screen in the master bedroom. Our old cat Boo tore it up one night trying to get outside to prowl for rodents. I also made a screen to go onto the window in the room we stay in now. I didn't even know it was so easy to make a screen. They sell the kits at Home Depot for less then $10.00. I feel so silly that I didn't do it sooner because I thought it would be hard and expensive.
Andy said that I should go into business as a contractor until I can find another job.
Anyway, now as I sit here I wish I wouldn't have done so much in the past couple of days because my sholders, fingers, and wrists are now feeling sore. It's a nasty cycle with arthritis. If I don't do enough I am sore and if I do too much I am sore. I haven't mastered my activity level yet. I wonder if I ever will?
After years of infertility we decided to adopt from foster-care. We invite you to follow along in our journey.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Today's weather is R-A-I-N-Y
Yesterday I went with a friend of mine to the place that she's having her wedding. It's going to be so much fun. It's at a casino. It's not as bad as it sounds. There's a marina there and they will have the ceremony on the beach, the reception will be on a large boat, and then it's off to the casino for bowling, dancing, and gambling. They are a pretty laid back, chill couple, and it's going to be a lot of fun! I am taking the pictures for their wedding and I can't wait. I already have a bunch of ideas for shots I want to take. I am really excited! Can't wait until September!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Great News!
I just receive a message from our new SW! She wants to setup time to go through the waiting kids that are out there and see if there's any we would be interested in. Because Jerry is pretty busy at work the first time he can clear 2 hours in his schedule isn't until next Friday or the week after. I am just happy that we're on the way. Also, I am really thrilled that it hasn't been a week that we are on our SW's caseload that we received contact and a request to meet with her.
It looks like we are on our way and I am really excited.
On another great note, Jerry won a 'People's Choice' award at work! He didn't even know that he had been nominated by his peers. That's really an honor for him. I am really proud of him. He's so smart and has a great work ethic. I knew he always had it in him. Now, I just need a job where I can shine like he does.
Our meeting is set for May 8th, at 9:30 AM!!!
It looks like we are on our way and I am really excited.
On another great note, Jerry won a 'People's Choice' award at work! He didn't even know that he had been nominated by his peers. That's really an honor for him. I am really proud of him. He's so smart and has a great work ethic. I knew he always had it in him. Now, I just need a job where I can shine like he does.
Our meeting is set for May 8th, at 9:30 AM!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I feel like Crap
A few days ago I had my Remicade infusion. It usually takes a few days to have the side effects and today's my day. I feel really achy and tired. Despite the way that I feel I managed to wash all my bedding, change the litter box, take out the garbage, put the screen door on my front door for summer, and move all the furniture in my living room so that I could wash the carpet. I am now done and I don't even want to move. Sure, there are things that I could be doing, but I think I have done a lot for today and should save some things for tomorrow. Right?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Braided Habit
Today the weather is really ugly. There are storm clouds hanging in the air and make me want to crawl under the covers and hide. Weather like this is great. I just wish that I had a good book that I haven't read yet, but, instead I have to settle for movies. I have already watched two.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Signing the Release for to post our Picture
We have signed the release form to have our picture appear on the state Adoption Exchange site. I hope we get our username and password soon. Now that I know that we are on to the matching portion of the process I am more anxious then ever to get things moving alone.
The next thing that we need to get done F A S T as we can. We need to get our Master Bedroom done so we can move back into it. When we get kids they will need somewhere to sleep and keep all their stuff. We have been dragging our feet because there was really nothing moving along in the adoption process, but yipee, now there definatly is!
The next thing that we need to get done F A S T as we can. We need to get our Master Bedroom done so we can move back into it. When we get kids they will need somewhere to sleep and keep all their stuff. We have been dragging our feet because there was really nothing moving along in the adoption process, but yipee, now there definatly is!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Foster Mom
That leads me to how Cody and Tullah are handling their new foster brother. Cody could really care less, but Tullah keeps trying to play with him. That sounds fine and great, but Tullah is so much bigger then Peppy. She can walk over him easily and I am afraid that she might hurt him if she gets to rambunctious.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Great News!
Our Homestudy is done!
We have submitted the photo of us to be in our file and will recieve the release form in the mail in a few days to be able to be placed on the State Adoption site!!!! I am so excited! I guess that it worked to contact our old SWs boss AGAIN! We recieved a call on Monday morning and by the afternoon we recieved an email from our SW that the homestudy is done!
Watch for updates in the next week. I not able to write alot today, but I wanted to let you know what's happening around here!
We have submitted the photo of us to be in our file and will recieve the release form in the mail in a few days to be able to be placed on the State Adoption site!!!! I am so excited! I guess that it worked to contact our old SWs boss AGAIN! We recieved a call on Monday morning and by the afternoon we recieved an email from our SW that the homestudy is done!
Watch for updates in the next week. I not able to write alot today, but I wanted to let you know what's happening around here!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Finally Contact!
Well, this morning I received a call from the Supervisor of our homestudy worker. I was very happy to have made contact with her, but the news was the same old thing. Our old worker that has moved onto a new position still hasn't finished writing up our homestudy, but has promised the Supervisor that she will get it completed by Friday. That sounds all to familiar to me. She said that she cannot assign us to one of the other workers until the homestudy is done. That makes sense, but it's still pretty frustrating.
I hope that everyone had a great easter. Mine was good, but went by really quickly.
I hope that everyone had a great easter. Mine was good, but went by really quickly.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Oh Boy
I did too much today. My back is screaming at me right now. I got a wild hair up my tush and decided to wash my dining room and kitchen floor on my hands and knees. I usually use a mop that's like a swiffer that I can take the head off and wash and put back on.
Having arthritis it's really hard on my joints to get on all fours to wash the floor, but I wanted it to be really clean because I hadn't done it in a long time. I must say they look good, but now I have to take it easy.
I also took the dogs for a walk like I do every day. The weather is beautiful today and I can't wait to grill some chicken for dinner. While on my walk I couldn't believe all the people that were outside taking advantage of the sun and warm breeze. I took Cody and Tullah to the duck pond while on our walk and their reaction to all the ducks and geese was so funny. Tullah hid under a park bench and Cody wanted to chase them around. Silly doggies.
Having arthritis it's really hard on my joints to get on all fours to wash the floor, but I wanted it to be really clean because I hadn't done it in a long time. I must say they look good, but now I have to take it easy.
I also took the dogs for a walk like I do every day. The weather is beautiful today and I can't wait to grill some chicken for dinner. While on my walk I couldn't believe all the people that were outside taking advantage of the sun and warm breeze. I took Cody and Tullah to the duck pond while on our walk and their reaction to all the ducks and geese was so funny. Tullah hid under a park bench and Cody wanted to chase them around. Silly doggies.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I love Hard Boiled Eggs
The only problem is I still have yellow dye in the creases of my fingernails. Ugh. I have scrubbed them so many times that my hands are so dry. If anyone has any idea how to get the dye off I am all ears!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Hoi Hoi Hoi

On Friday night after eating dinner with a group of friends we went with another group of friends to a German restaurant and bar. I haven't been there since I was a youngster, and I must say that I had much more fun this time. It probably had something to do with the fact that there was beer and dancing involved. We had a blast and stayed out very late. It's the first time since I was 23 that I have had a hangover. NEVER AGAIN. I guess once every 10 years is okay. It's not like it's a habit or anything.
They have a girl that walks around with a wooden contraption that shoots flavored snuff up your nose. I tried that too. I'm sure that's what created that hangover. I am not a smoker, and having any tobacco product in my system makes alcohal do wacky things to my head (ie my last hangover 10 years ago). That happened after I tried a cigar. May I repeat NEVER AGAIN.
So, I spent Saturday in bed, thus I didn't make it to Car Seat Training. It's a good thing that they have it 4 times a month. It felt really irresponsible to miss it, but I wasn't expecting to have a hangover and couldn't even lift my head until 1 in the afternoon. I am going to quit saying that word (hangXXXX) because it makes me sound like such and irresponsible party animal. But, believe me, that IS NOT me. You can ask anyone.
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