It's been so overcast and sad looking outside these past few days that it's starting to affect my mood. I have been really lazy and unmotivated. I know that I should get outside and bring the dogs for a walk, but it's so much more comfy and warm under a blanket on my couch.
Although I feel lazy, at least I have been getting some housework done. I have done so much laundry and the dishes in the last few days that I wouldn't mind walking around my house in the same jeans and shirt everyday so that I don't have to do laundry in a while.
I have not had any new job leads in a few days and I am feeling a bit slighted. I would love to have one interview a week at least.
On Saturday we have our last training class for adoption. We have to go for the whole day and will be going over Car Seat and SIDs/neb training. I don't know if there can really be 4 hours of things to learn about car seats, but I'll go gladly since it will put me closer to the goal.
Still no contact from our new Social Worker. I think another call to the supervisor is in order. What's up? I am beginging to take it personally now.
After years of infertility we decided to adopt from foster-care. We invite you to follow along in our journey.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What a difference a few days makes
This morning I got up all excited for an interview that I had scheduled for today. This is my third since being laid off. Well, once I got there I knew that it was not for me. They were looking for sales people. I am not really good a persuading anyone of buying anything, so I wasted my time and 7.00 for parking. It was a let down to say the least. I told the gentleman over the phone that I was looing for an analytical or project management type position. It really chaps my hyde that he would waste my time like that. Why do people do stuff like that?
Anyway, the weather is gloomy and it fits with my mood today. Yesterday I was so bored that I alphabetized our DVD collection. Jerry just laughed when I showed him and said, "You know they will never stay like that right?" My first thought was why not? Then I remembered, that I too am notorious for not putting things back where they belong and agreed with him.
Ho Hum. Off to the post office...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Enjoying the Weather
The past few days I have been able to have my windows open and the fresh air is wonderful. Yesterday I spent the whole day outside with the dogs raking up poo(not my most favorite thing to do, but necessary). I think I even got some color on my face. When I came in to take a shower my face was a bit red, but that faded.
On Wednesday I started some seeds in a seed started/greenhouse thing I got at Fleet Farm when I was buying Cody's kennel. I checked my seeds this morning and they are sprouting! Yay, it's so exciting, especially since I have never done that before.
So, I have propped up the lid like the directions said and now, I just need to wait for leaves. I really must say that when I found out that my seeds had sprouted it felt really satisfying!
Update on Cody:
He has really blended in so well with the family. He's a very good boy and I am glad to have him.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Meet Cody
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tonight we are going to pick up our new dog. We found him at the Human Society. We were going to bring him home last night, but when we decided to adopt him, there wasn't enough time left, so we put a HOLD on him and will pick him up tonight.
He is a 3 year old yellow lab mix and he;s a great boy. He's very friendly and energetic, and I am sure that he will get along well with Tullah. His name is Cody, but we aren't sure if we will change it or not. That's only been his name for 6 month, and before that he was a stray. He's already potty trained, and knows some things like Sit and Shake. I even got him to laydown with a treat.
I can't wait to pick up my new little boy. I will post pictures once we have him home. Today, I have the task of picking up a kennel, and some other odds and ends to get ready. Then once Jerry gets home we will go pick him up! I'm so excited.
He is a 3 year old yellow lab mix and he;s a great boy. He's very friendly and energetic, and I am sure that he will get along well with Tullah. His name is Cody, but we aren't sure if we will change it or not. That's only been his name for 6 month, and before that he was a stray. He's already potty trained, and knows some things like Sit and Shake. I even got him to laydown with a treat.
I can't wait to pick up my new little boy. I will post pictures once we have him home. Today, I have the task of picking up a kennel, and some other odds and ends to get ready. Then once Jerry gets home we will go pick him up! I'm so excited.
Monday, March 16, 2009
A year after my husband and I were married Elisabeth moved in with us. She's my husband's niece and we took guardianship of her and her brother. Her mom has mental health issues and at the time she was not taking care of them with prescribed medication and some not so nice things happened.
I was excited to have a girl in the house to do things with. It didn't turn out like I had planned. After going through adoption training we learned a lot of things we could have done differently to help her and us through that rocky time. When she left our house it wasn't under the best circumstances, so when we see her now, there is alway tension between us.
Yesterday, we had a baby shower in the family, and I gave Elisabeth and her mom a ride because they don't have a car. We had a good time together, and for that I am really glad. We are finally getting to a better place.
Incidentally, Elisabeth is 7 months pregnant with a little boy that she will call Isaiah. It will be fun to see how she will change when she has a baby. I wish she would have waited a few more years, but at least she is 18 and she has graduated from high school.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Finally, I have an interview on Friday. I am very excited. It's for a company that represents vendors. I don't really know what kinds of products the vendors manufacture, but I am excited because I have some experience doing that type of thing.
It's nice to finally be moving along with the process.
I still haven't been contacted by my new Social Worker, but I have left a message for the supervisor, and will hopefully be contacted today. If not, I am going to start raising some hell.
Yesterday, was a very productive day. I did laundry, including my bedding, and cleaned my bedroom from top to bottom. It's so nice to have a nice clean space to relax in. I also repotted 3 plants and made some calls I had been putting off.
Today, the plan is to relax since I worked so hard yesterday.
It's nice to finally be moving along with the process.
I still haven't been contacted by my new Social Worker, but I have left a message for the supervisor, and will hopefully be contacted today. If not, I am going to start raising some hell.
Yesterday, was a very productive day. I did laundry, including my bedding, and cleaned my bedroom from top to bottom. It's so nice to have a nice clean space to relax in. I also repotted 3 plants and made some calls I had been putting off.
Today, the plan is to relax since I worked so hard yesterday.
Monday, March 9, 2009
New Massage Chair

I thought I would take a picture of the new massage chair that the hubs bought me. It's my belated Christmas gift that I told you about a few posts ago. So far, I have used it a minimum of 2 times per day, but on the weekends we seem to have visitors over a lot. The chair has been in use at least 10 hours each day. Did I mention that I love it. Before I got laid off, my job offered a massage therepist on Tuesdays. All you had to do was sign up and pay her 30.00 for a half hour upper body message. What a great perk. I missed it terribly. Now I have a massage waiting for me anytime I want it. It's not like a cheesy pad that you put on a recliner and get vibrated to death. You can personalize it to pressure, height and placement of the heads. It's a wonderful gift and most of all, it looks like a normal chair for the most part! The hubs is really good to me.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Kidlets this weekend
The other day when I went to Target I walked past the area with flowers and noticed the fresh tulips. I found some that reminded me of my grandma, so i snatched them up. Once I got them in the vase they were so pretty I had to take a picture!
I am so excited because Naz, TK and the baby will be spending the night tonight. Mommy and daddy have a wedding to be at. Jerry is a bit nervous because the baby is coming too. He's not used to them, and he doesn't like that they wake up so much during the night. I am not really worried that much.
Let me just tell you that the weather today is beautiful! I even pulled out a chair from the garage and put it on the deck. I sat out there while I ate my lunch this afternoon. I think Tullah likes to have someone outside with her and I love being in the sun. I should have told Sunni to bring the bikes for the kids. They could have rode them around on my driveway which is totally free of ice and snow.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wednesday's Okay
Today was a beautiful day. The sun was out making it a bit warmer outside. I even took my little Tullah on a long walk this morning. She's been a bit confused since Trouble's been gone. She has been whining alot, and not just when she has to go outside, which has been a bit confusing for me. I never know when she's whining to go outside.
So, after our walk, I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I logged onto the internet to look for a job. Then, I went to the post office and to Target.
Tonight we are going to have Tacos for dinner, and I am looking forward to it. It's been a while since we had Tacos.
Another great thing to look forward to; This weekend we get to babysit my SIL's kids including the baby who is now 2 weeks old. She has a wedding to go to that her boyfriend is in, and she will be taking pictures with my good camera. I know that she will be careful with it, and it produces better pictures then her little digital, so I offered to let her borrow it. I will miss it though, because I always take lots of pictures when the kids are over.
I can't wait to snuggle with that little boy. He's so cute.
I still have no word from the new SW. Tomorrow, that's going to be my goal. I am going to get ahold of my new SW, or at least find out who she/he is.
So, after our walk, I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I logged onto the internet to look for a job. Then, I went to the post office and to Target.
Tonight we are going to have Tacos for dinner, and I am looking forward to it. It's been a while since we had Tacos.
Another great thing to look forward to; This weekend we get to babysit my SIL's kids including the baby who is now 2 weeks old. She has a wedding to go to that her boyfriend is in, and she will be taking pictures with my good camera. I know that she will be careful with it, and it produces better pictures then her little digital, so I offered to let her borrow it. I will miss it though, because I always take lots of pictures when the kids are over.
I can't wait to snuggle with that little boy. He's so cute.
I still have no word from the new SW. Tomorrow, that's going to be my goal. I am going to get ahold of my new SW, or at least find out who she/he is.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Rest in Peace Trouble Ann Osowski
Trouble was born Nov 19, 1994 and came to live with Jerry's family 3 weeks later. At the time, I lived with Jerry's family too and also got a puppy from Trouble's litter. My puppy was Treena, and we lost her a few years ago. About 6 years ago Trouble came to live with us when Jerry's move moved somewhere she couldn't have dogs and has been with us ever since. She loved having the backyard to run around it. She also loved going to the cabin and playing in the water. She was so smart. Jerry's grandma taught her tons of tricks like her famous "bang bang your dead" where she would roll over on her back, legs in the air. She also taught her to say "I love you" by sneezing instead of barking. Of all my dogs she was the most laid back and easy going. She had one ear that was permanently stuck straight up since she was only months old.
Today started like any other day, and soon turned bad. 20 minutes after Jerry walked out the door, I went down to the kitchen and Tullah and Trouble followed me, but once Trouble got to the bottom of the stairs she couldn't walk with her back legs. I knew immediatly that I had to get her to the vet, that she wasn't going to "walk it off". For the past year or so, she has dragged her legs down the stairs instead of walking down them, but she usually starts walking when she gets to the bottom.
I was fortunate enough to get her into the vet right away. They looked her over and tried a few things, but the prognosis was not good. She has progressive nerve damage, and he didn't think that she would be able to walk on her own again. I called Jerry, and he came to the vet, and we put her to sleep. I never thought that my day would start like that.
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