After years of infertility we decided to adopt from foster-care. We invite you to follow along in our journey.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Random things about me
Are you Irish in any way? Nope, not in the least.
Have you ever drank Jack Daniels? Yes, but I didn't like it.
What are you wearing on your feet? The slippers I got for Christmas
Favorite carnival food? Cheese Curds
What were you doing at 9:59 PM on Friday night? I can't remember, but on Saturday I was at Dave and Busters
Is your bedroom window open? Nope, it's frickin cold outside
Do you remember the person you first kissed? Yes
Ever kissed someone younger than you? Yes, everyday
Do you regret your last kiss? NopeWhat time did you get up today? 7:30am
What are you listening to currently? My dogs barking at eachother
How old will you be in 3 birthdays?36
Will you be married by then? I'.m married already. I better be married then
If you could be anywhere, where would it be? On some new adventure with my husband.
Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? On the left side if you are standing at the foot of the bed.
Ever stolen a street sign?ummm... nope, but I watched some one take one
Do you know how to drive a stick shift? I did it once.
Do you wear any jewelry 24/7? My wedding rings
Who is the funniest person you know? My nephew Naz
Do you still have clothes from when you were little? Nope
What are you mad about right now? My back has been aching for days
What are you allergic to? Just a bunch of medicines
What did you dress up as for Halloween? Mother Nature
What is your favorite salad dressing? Peppercorn Ranch or Italian
Are your parents still together? No, they've been divorced almost my whole life.
Is your current hair color your natural hair color? yep
Who was the last friend in your house? Natalie, Jeremy, and Aaron Fischer
Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else? No, not really
Next vacation you're going on? Chicago in June
Where will you be in an hour? Post office probably
What happened at 10:00 am today? Nothing
What's your favorite Gatorade flavor? berry
Who was the last person you rode in a car with? Jerry
Do you trust people easily? Yes
What do you look forward to in the next 3 months? Starting the matching process to adopt children.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
We got a sad call yesterday from Jer's mom. Jer's aunt Judy was being taken off her life support in the evening. She had been in an induced coma because she was having problems with her transplanted heart. Her anti-rejection drugs weren't working and she developed pnemonia. Anyway, she was doing better and they were trying to wake her up from the coma, but she was too weak. There was nothing else to be done, so her son and granddaughter decided to pull the plug on the life support. I feel really bad for my Mother-in-law, because she and Aunt Judy were close. They were sisters-in-law. I do think it's amazing that she lived as long as she did. She has always had a weak heart, but was able to have a transplant 7 years ago. What a miracle that she lived so much longer then was expected.
Other then those events yesterday, I can't say that I have too much more going on in my world.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
It's Time To Organize
Monday, February 23, 2009
What our Kids would look like

Friday, February 20, 2009
Drip, Drip, Drip
Jerry and I were talking last night and we have now made about 1000.00 selling things on e-bay and we are going to get new carpet for the lower level and the stairs, and I am really excited about that. We really need to get our room remodeled in the basement so we can get our extra room ready for kidlets.
I got an interesting e-mail yesterday from our social worker who was supposed to be starting her new job this week. Now that I am unemployed that needs to be added to our homestudy. She said that it won't affect us because Jerry makes enough money that we can still support children without my income. However, she didn't say she was done with our homestudy. It almost sounded like she hadn't finished it. How can that be? She's had months to work on it.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Still Employed
This morning I spent a few hours redoing my resume and posting it on I haven't changed the format of it in 8 years, so I felt like I would try and freshen it up to see if it would help me get more people to look at it. In an hour or so, I will be heading off to the post office for my daily visit. Then I'm going over to the grocery store to get a few essentials. I'm thinking about making stuffed pork chops for dinner. I have to his to find a good recipe first.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Hair Cut
Tomorrow Jerry will find out if he is going to be laid off in a month. I am really hopping that he won't. First, we really need one of us to be working and I need to have the insurance for my arthritis treatments. Second, he's planning to take a week off if he doesn't get his notice and that means that we will be able to have a week off together, but I am sure he will take it off during March Madness like he does every year.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Babies and Siblings
The larger hand in the photo above is my niece, his big sister.
Well, once we got to the hospital SIL decided that she would like us to take the kids overnight and bring them home on Sunday when they got home with the baby. They looked just beat and drained and I knew that they needed to get some good rest, mom and dad and kids included. So, Jerry and I took Naz and Tekaija to get some lunch then back to our house to relax for the night. They both fell asleep on the way home, but neither took a nap when we got there, although I could tell that they needed it.
Naz aged 3 seemed more interested in playing with us and having a good time while he was with us, but Tekaija aged 9 was really sad to have to leave the baby and couldn't wait to get back home. I know how she feels. I felt the same way when my brother Jay and sister Kirstie were born.
Anyway, it was a bonus for us that we got to spend some time with Naz and TK this weekend as well as meeting baby Izryel. Notice they have added an "e" to the official spelling of his name. They decided that 2 minutes before filling out the birth certificate.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Baby Izryl is here!
My sister-in-law never planned to have children, she didn't want any, but "accidently" got pregnant when she was 18. Personally, I don't know how you can decided when your a teenager that you don't want kids, but that's my opinion. At that age you really don't know what you want. Anyway, she wanted to get her tubes tied at that point, but MN law says you got to wait until you are 21, so she didn't. Well, Six years after having her first, she "accidently" got pregnant again and this time had her tubes tied. Unfortunatly for her, she's the 1 in 10,000 that it didn't work for, and she got pregnant with this little miracle 9 months ago.
It's just goes to show that God has a bigger plan for us that even we can't change. It helps me when I try and understand why I am not able to have children of my own. I am ment for a different purpose. I am ment to be a forever mom to children who needs me.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Looking Forward to Lunch with My sister
Melanie and I are 2 years apart in age. When we were younger we didn't get along so well. We had to share a room and since we were so close in age we could share clothes and even had the same friends. It was really tough because being the oldest, I didn't want to have to share things like friends with her. I wanted to break away and have my own life.
Now, it's totally different. I love that we know all of the same people and we have so many things in common. It's really just comforting. I feel bad that all my other brothers and sisters are so much younger, and I don't feel that tight bond with them that I do with Melanie. It's more of a motherly bond since I was old enough to be their mothers when they were all born. I feel protective and nurturing with them. For crying out loud, I changed their diapers, and held them when they cried.
So, needless to say, I plan on having a good laugh with my sister today. I need it with all the stress of looking for a job, and the lack of response form our SW.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Look What I made
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Kids and Cameras
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm pretty frustrated that there's been something going on with the cable since yesterday. When I try to change the channel it goes back to 1 and I have to go up to the channel I want station by station instead of using the guide.
Since Valentines day is Saturday, I went to Michaels yesterday and got some candy melts to make lollipops for Naz, Tekaija, Jerry, and a few other people. I can't afford to do much, but I still feel like celebrating a bit. Besides, it will give me something to do since my days seem to drag on an on since I don't have work to go to anymore.
Today, I will give my Social Worker a call so that I can see where she's at and what we should expect to happen next. I need to find out who our new worker will be for the matching process etc. It feels to go to be true that we are finally in the homestretch of the pre-process.
Monday, February 9, 2009
This weekend was great. On Saturday morning Jerry took me to see the movie Push. It was pretty good. After that we went and picked up our niece and nephew to have them over to play and spend the night. They are so easy to have over and they are no troube at all. We painted pictures, made cupcakes which they decorated with redhots and spinkles, danced, took pictures, and made blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes on Sunday morning. I always try to have some project for them to do and I alway let them help me bake. They don't get to do much of it at home. Naz, my nephew especially loves to help me cook. Maybe he'll be a chef someday. That or a professional dancer. He sure does have the moves for it.
My sister-in-law still hasn't had the baby yet and she just looks misserable. Her belly is so big, but it's all baby and I am sure that her belly will be back to normal in no time after she delivers.
Today, the plan is to just hang out, send resume's and hit the post office. We sold 12 more things on e-bay over the weekend. If I found a wholesaler or vendor with some good stuff, I could make that a good living selling things on e-bay.
Friday, February 6, 2009
New Member
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Feeling a bit Dizzy
You know, one of the best things about being able to stay home all day is all the old movies on cable that I wouldn't be able to see if I had to work all day. Today, I was able to watch First Night, Forever Young, and yesterday I watched Big Momma's house.
I talked to Sunni today after she got home from the doc. Turns out that she's dialated to 1cm, and they stripped her membranes again today! Hopefully, that means that things will get moving in the next few days. This is all too exciting.
On the adoption front I haven't heard anything new from our Social Worker, but she's still got a couple of days left until the end of the week. I'm still holding out hope that she'll come through.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Shower in Review
The rest of the food was amazing. My mother-in-law just outdid herself with crab cakes, two kinds of meatballs, mini quishes, three kinds of chicken wings, mini sandwhiches, pasta salads and much more. Needless to say we all got to take home leftovers.
My sister-in-law Sunni holding the bear that I made for baby Izryl. With all the gifts that she recieved I know that she has the things that she needs to welcome her little bundle home. I know that she was worried that he would be born before the shower, but lucky for her and those of us giving the shower, he stayed put, and now has plenty of clothes, bottles, and diapers when he comes home.