Thursday, July 31, 2008


Originally uploaded by gemjlo

We met with Minks last night at the model of the home we are wanting to build. It love it. We talked about our different options and left the meeting feeling good. Next step, find a lot, and get our house sold.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We have eachother

Miniature 48
Originally uploaded by Composition Book

When things tough and I get frustrated, I know I've always got my sweetheart to help me through. I'm really lucky to have Jerry. When we were young, things were a little rocky, but we found our rhythem and I couldn't aske for a better man to grow old with.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Frustration 2
Originally uploaded by gemjlo

I am not getting answers and I am getting frustrated. Jerry and I are trying to go on with business as usual, but it's always in the back of our minds.
Some news! We are meeting with a builder on Wednesday next week. We are getting closer to buying a new house. I am really excited. We are going to meet with the builder to talk about cost of all the upgrades that we want from the model. We found a couple of acres in Corcoran and we want to see if it will be feisable with the upgrades. Since the plan is to stay in this house until our children are graduated at least, we don't want to skimp on the things we really want to have.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Originally uploaded by gemjlo

This is a modification of a photo of my niece. She makes these faces that are Fierce. At least that's what I call them, but I dare anyone to disagree.
I wish I had news to report, but alas. Everything is going along status quo here. I never did hear back from the SW aftr e-mail voicemail. Waiting is so frustrating.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Garage Sale Table

Garage Sale Table
Originally uploaded by gemjlo

This weekend we had a garage sale. Once we started pulling things out to sell, I couldn't believe how much stuff we had. I was glad that the weather held out until almost 4:00pm, but I wish it wouldn't have been so hot. We sold alot, but have a lot more, so the plan is to have another sale in the fall when it's not so hot, and we can get more people involved.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wonderful Weekend

This weekend was perfect. Friday I had the day off because I had to finish up my sleep study, and get educated on my new CPAP machine, ugh. It was Jerry’s birthday, but he decided to work anyway, so I had some free time to get some things done. After he got home, he opened his gifts from me: A fancy fishing reel that cost more then my Sigrid Olsen purse, a bottle of his cologne, and a book of baseball parks Now and Then. I think he was pleased because he told me so. Then, we went out to dinner with my sister at what other place then my honey’s favorite, Famous Daves where he ordered his usual Catfish Platter with Fries and Drunken Apples. He never looks at the menu anymore because that’s his favorite. We had a great time laughing and planning our camping trip to my dads in a few weeks. After dinner Jerry wanted to go get a new pole for his reel, so he could use it on Saturday, and some fishing line. Melanie and Scott came with because they were coming over after dinner to have cake. By the time we got done at Gander Mountain, it was poring rain, we all got soaked. When we arrived at the house I lite the candles and we all sang happy birthday and ate cake. Then night ended on a high note.
On Saturday Sunni (my sister-in-law) and her kids, Naz and Tekaija came over to help me make the garden stone for little man boo. We made Chicken Fettuchini, Tekaija’s request, and bread sticks. It was nice enough that we had lunch on the deck. After that we put the stone together, and set it out to dry. By the time we were done, it was time for them to leave. I was sad to see them go, but enjoyed the free time to go shopping for some plants and to buy the next book in the Stephanie Meyer Series, Eclipse, which I proceeded to devour it when I got home. Even though it’s meant as a book for young adults, I am now hooked. I even preordered the newest one that’s set to come out August 2nd.
Sunday was a lazy day. I planted my new plants and helped Jerry assemble the new top to the picnic table. Then it was time for him to get to softball, and I sat down to keep reading my new book.
So, the weather was beautiful, and all in all, I had a great weekend. Seems to me it won’t be as peaceful in a few months. But, I think it will be just as enjoyable and rewarding none-the-less.
Thanks Torina and Glenna, with the comments on my post from a few days ago. I think I will stop worrying about making myself a pest to my SW and find out what’s up.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

My life is better for having been your human

Last Picture of Boo
Originally uploaded by gemjlo

Last night, I got home from work and you were sitting on my bed. I was supposed to come home during lunch to give your your pain pill, but couldn't get away, and I was worried you would be in pain. You seemed content when I got home, which made me feel relieved. I let the dogs out, and got them fed, then prepared your dinner. The vet said to try soft food or milk. That's what I got for you. I also got your medicine ready. As I picked you up from the bed you let out a little meow, which was the norm these past few days, and brought you to the dining room to feed you dinner. You weren't hungry, but I gave you your pill, which you proceeded to try and cough back up. Must be hard to swallow a pill when you don't want to drink any water.
I left you on a blanket so I could take the dogs out again and water my gardens because it's been very dry this past week. When I returned to find you, you were not on the blanket anymore. I found you sleeping on the dog's bed in our room. I figured I would let you rest. It would only be 2 more days until we put you down.
I guess you had other plans. As I was sitting at the computer, I heard you cough once, then again. I ran to see if you were alright. I found you lying on your side by the doorway. I wrapped you in a blanket and cradled you until the end. My sweet boy. I will miss your gentle purr in my ear and your hansome face. You lived a wonderful life little man. I am sorry it couldn't have been longer, but I must say that every moment you were alive was a blessing.
Boo~Booie~Boober~Little Man~Boozie~Boobie

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hoo Humm

Today I am feeling like starting our family though adoption is never going to happen. Because I don't have anyway to know what the status of our paperwork is without pestering our SW, which I don't want to do, then I feel out of control. What happens when I feel that way. Well, I eat.

I have been better today then yesterday but, I did break down and get an iced skim white chocolate mocha from Caribou over lunch. It was very yummy, but 390 calories I could have done without. Since we have been getting closer to the finish line with the adoption stuff, I have gained back 10 pounds that I lost over the winter. Aren't you supposed to lose weight when summer comes? I feel cheated. I guess I am just getting anxious for my day to come. Not to mention that AF is supposed to be delivering my monthly gift any day now. I expected it yesterday, but maybe she's late because Friday was a holiday. Who knows...

I am thinking that once we get through this week with Boo, my kitty who's being put down on Friday, I am going to get my butt in gear training Tullah. It seems that she's getting a little lax listening to commands. She's also jumping on people a lot these days. I wish she weren't so cute. I could be more firm with her, but she gives me the puppy eyes and snuggles into my neck and I melt like butter.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Our 4th Of July

Maia with a sparkler 2
Originally uploaded by gemjlo

We had a great time on the 4th at our friend Aaron's cabin. There was a bunch of us, and we spent the day in a lazy fashion. We played in the water, went tubing, skiing, we ate, we laughed, and we also played with fire. It will be fun to spend the 4th with children when we have them. Their awe and wonder over sparklers and fireworks is such a fun thing. It will be like experiencing them as children again.

Update on adoption...There's not update, as there's been no progress that I have seen. I have not heard from our SW in a couple of weeks. I will try and contact her again in a few more weeks, as that will be about the time she's supposed to be done with our paperwork.

On a sadder note. We have made the appointment to put our kitty boo to sleep. DH and I both wanted to be there, so Friday was the only day that would work. Unfortunatly, that's DH's birthday too. It's a shame that it has to be that way, but little buddy won't last another week and I definatly don't want him to suffer more then he needs to.
Keep us in your prayers.

Monday, July 7, 2008


SoooooBig, originally uploaded by gemjlo.

Last weekend we got to attend a surprise birthday part for my husband's neice Ericka. She turned 16. I also got a chance to see this little cutie. Her name is Savannah and she belongs to Joshua. My husband and I had custody of Joshua for 4 years. Since he's been an adult I don't see him as often as I would like, but he always calls to check in. He now lives with his grandma on his mom's side of the family and spends a great amount of time with his mom. She babysits Savannah a lot. I feel a bit left out, but I know that she's Josh's mom and Savannah's grandmom. I just wish I could be a bigger part of both of their lives.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Boston Harbor

IMG_0743, originally uploaded by gemjlo.

While were in Boston we had the opportunity to eat dinner at a little resturant on the Harbor. Our table was right next to an open window, and the photo above is the view that we had. In the ocean below you could see jellyfish. That was the first time I had ever seen them not on a TV screen. This view was Amazing and I am blessed to have had the opportunity to see it with my husband.

Update on the adoption front. No news. I did get a request from our SW for contact info for our roommate. I guess that's a good sign. It means that progress is being made, right?

On the homefront, we have had a great deal of plumbing and wall demolition happening in the past week. We made an appointment to have our outdoor faucets replaced. When we were getting ready for the appointment, moving stuff away from the wall to make room for our plumber, we discovered some mold, and soggy sheetrock. Ugh. That ment we ripped out part of a wall, and some carpet. We figured, good thing we found it, and that it wouldn't be an expensive fix, just sheetrock etc. Then, after the plumber came and fixed the faucets, he was turing the main water supply back on, and our hot water heater decided to spring leaks from various places on the unit. Ugh...That was Expensive. In summary, over the past week we have spend 1200.00 on plumbing repairs. I could think of so many other things we could have done with that money.